Unicorn Bag Tutorial
This Unicorn Bag Tutorial came about as I wanted to make a ‘Thank You’ gift for someone who is frankly obsessed with unicorns.
It’s surprisingly easy to make. Here’s how.
You need: –
- canvas or firm fabric for bag, facing, straps and pocket
- matching colour thread
- silver fabric for horn and ears
- matching colour thread
- stuffing for horn. I used fabric scraps.
- black felt for eye lashes
- matching colour thread
- a paper pattern to cut eyelashes. Make this yourself.
- multi coloured ribbon for mane
- sparkly button
- sewing machine
- hand sewing needle
- sewing scissors
You do: –
Measure out how big you want your bag to be. Using that size cut the following.
Cut the bag x 2 pieces – back and front. Canvas fabric.
Cut 2 x facings to fit the bag – back and front. Canvas fabric.
Cut 1 x pocket. Canvas fabric.
Cut 2 x straps. Canvas fabric.
Cut 1 x horn. Silver fabric.
Cut 2 x ears. Silver fabric. . And . . . cut 2 x ears. Canvas fabric.
Cut 2 x eyelashes. Black felt.
See image above and fold pocket. Press with an iron. Sew top of pocket to make a seam.
Fold the horn in half longways and sew the one side. Stuff the horn.
Pin the two ears together and sew them together. Snip up to the seam – but do not cut the seam. This helps the fabric splay open. Turn ears right side out. Press with an iron.
Cut out the eyelashes and pin them to the top of your pocket.
Sew eyelashes to pocket.
Pin pocket in place and sew the sides and bottom of pocket in place to one of your bag pieces. I sewed down the middle of my pocket to create two smaller compartments. One for mobile phone and one for glasses.
Now pin the ears and horn just above the pocket and sew along the base of the ears and horn
Using a hand-sewing needle and thread, catch the top of the ears and horn and sew with invisible stitches so they stay upright.
Now sew your straps. Press them flat.
Place the two bag pieces together – right side and pocket side facing inwards together. Pin sides and bottom.
Sew sides and bottom.
Sew sides and bottom of bag together. Turn right sides out and press the edges of your bag.
Pin the two facing pieces together and sew them. Fold over and pin a hem and sew that too. Press the facing seams flat.
The next bit of this bag is to pin the straps to the bag as in the above photo. Place the unhemmed side of the facing to the top of the bag – over the straps – on the outside. Sew around the top of the bag. I double stitched over the area where the straps were.
Then fold the facing inside the bag. The straps will pull up nicely. I did a last top stitch around the top of the bag to make sure the straps were secure. And I gave a last pressing with an iron.
Lastly, cut your ribbon pieces equal length. Cut the ends on the diagonal so the ribbon doesn’t fray. Pin ribbon so ends flare out in a slight V shape. Fold over the end and hand sew the ribbon pieces together. Then hand sew them to just below the horn but above the pocket with your sparkly button to make a rainbow mane for your unicorn.
That’s it people. Easy peasy.
Have a great greeen week.