Long Black Shiftdress

Long Black Shiftdress

Long Black Shiftdress

This long black shiftdress is really nothing more than an extra long T-shirt. I used a shiftdress from my wardrobe to cut the pattern. It’s made from what they called golf shirt fabric at the fabric shop. Came in a long wide tube. Have to say it washes well and holds it’s shape, yet is soft. if you like the necklace, well of course I made it and you can fin a link to that tutorial – here. Here’s how I made the dress.

You need: –

  • a shift dress to make a pattern
  • large piece of paper
  • pencil
  • paper scissors
  • fabric
  • matching colour thread
  • sewing machine
  • sewing scissors
  • pins

You do: –

First up you need to make a pattern for this dress. To do this, take a shift dress that fits you. Fold it in half. Fold your piece of paper in half. The fold is the centre back and centre front of your dress. Pin the dress to the paper with the folds lying on top of each other. Trace around your shift dress allowing at least 1.5 centimetres for seams. Allow extra at the bottom of your dress for a hem.

Use the curve of the neck at the back of your shift dress for your pattern. I usually cut the front a bit deeper on my clothes but this time I left the front neck high. Now cut out your pattern from paper with paper scissors. That’s the pattern done.

Cut your pattern pieces

Cut your pattern pieces

Place your pattern on your fabric taking care to that it sits vertically in line with the grain of the fabric. Cut two pieces exactly the same.

First you need to make sure your head is going to fit through the neck of this dress. Pin the front and back of your dress together and slip it over your head. If it fits, all good. Now is the time to adjust if you want a wider or lower neckline.

Snip curved areas

Snip curved areas

Sew the shoulder and side seams. Snip any curved areas so they splay open. Make sure you only snip to the seam. Do not cut the seam.

Pin and sew facing

Pin and sew facing

Sew the two facings together. Press the seams flat. Press all the seams on the dress open and flat. Pin facing to neck and sew in place. Snip it so it splays open.

Pins hems at arms and bottom of dress and sew hems in place. Do a final press with an iron and that’s your shift dress done. This is perfect for travelling as it washes well and doesn’t crease.

Have a great green week.
