Vertical Hanging Laundry Bag
This vertical hanging laundry bag is a long thin leftover piece from a heavy cotton dropcloth used to cover my daughter’s sofa. The inspiration for THAT DIY came from a blogger called – budgetsonadime on blogspot. See her photo and inspiration below. Isn’t that lovely? And it’s washable.
The long leftover piece was about 4.5 metres long and about 45 centimtres wide. Here’s how I made a vertical hanging laundry bag.
You need: –
- a long thin piece of heavy weight fabric
- matching colour thread
- sewing machine
- sewing scissors
- pins
- lightweight metal tube
- rope that can fit through the tube and long enough to tie your laundry bag
- metal saw in case you have to trim the metal tube
You do: –
Fold your fabric into 3 equal parts. Cut 1/3 off. Keep the other 2/3 folded in half. Cut the smaller 1/3 piece of your fabric into 3 equal size pockets.
Roll over the tops of your pockets and make a hem.
Now open up your folded 2/3 piece and make a note of the middle where the fold is. (I used pins) Your tube will slide into that fold. Place the three pockets onto one half of your laundry bag. Make sure they are evenly spaced and the hemmed side or top side is toward the fold where your tube will be. Also make sure to allow enough space before you pin your first pocket so there is space for your metal tube.
Pin the pockets to your laundry bag. Fold the bottom of your pockets under and pin in place. Fold the other half of your 2/3 fabric over and pin all the sides pieces together.
Sew the sides together making sure all three pieces are included in the seam.
Turn your vertical hanging laundry bag right side out and press with an iron so it’s nice and flat. Sew along the bottoms of the pockets where you pinned.
Unpick the seam at the top just enough for your tube to slide in. Then slip in your rope. Tie rope.
Viola! A vertical hanging laundry bag. What’s nice about this is, it uses wall or door space and not floor space. And you can separate colours.
Have a great week.