White Frill Top

White Frill Top

White Frill Top

The inspiration for this white frill top is kind of everywhere in South Africa at the moment. Lovely fluffy, frilly tops and dresses abound. It’s summer. Lots of sunshine. No rain. We have 6 weeks of water left before we hit – Day Zero – the day Cape Town runs out of water. But that’s another story.

I had this idea in my head and wondered if it would work. And it did!! The trick is using a soft fabric like this printed muslin.

You need: –

  • fabric
  • matching colour thread
  • pins
  • sewing scissors
  • sewing machine
The pattern

The pattern

You do: –

First cut your pattern pieces. Next gather the pieces to fit around your arms and at the lower end of this top. Use a contrasting colour thread so you can easily unpick it once you’ve sewn your pieces together.

Cut pieces and gather

Cut pieces and gather

Your neck will be 24 centimtres wide. Cut 12 centimtres each way from the centre line of this top. My neck was 3 centimetres at the lowest on the back and 4.5 centimetres at the lowest in front.

Once all your pieces are gathered, pin them in place. See below.

Pin the gathered pieces in place

Pin the gathered pieces in place

I felt this top was a bit too long so I made a tuck which you can see in the pic above making sure the print lined up. I snipped away the excess fabric. Sew your gathered pieces to the main part of your top.

Fold over and pin sides together

Fold over and pin sides together

Once gathered pieces are sewn to main body of top, fold over right sides facing inward and pin sides together. Then sew along the sides and under the arms.

Hem around the neck

Hem around the neck

Finally hem around the neck. This soft fabric will roll easily allowing you to hem. Hem the lower frill and frill around the arms.

That’s it. Easy white frill top for summer in the bag.

Have a great week.
