This post is a compilation of my free sewing patterns and tutorials for tops. Called itĀ DIY Tops – FREE Sewing Patterns – for obvious reasons. The link to the tutorial is below each picture.
I’m sorry my posts have been so infrequent. I’ve been on the move in remote areas and access to wifi has been difficult. Cannot believe how many DIY TopsĀ and FREE Sewing Patterns I’ve massed over the years. Just doing this compilation has made me want to go back and re-make some of them in different fabrics or lengths.
The tapestry top went out of vogue and now, it’s all back on trend again.
Have a fabulous green week.
GREAT, Greenie!!
THIS is exactly how I’ve ALWAYS been ‘ making my own clothes since childhood!
Love this site!
My husband grew up in Capetown and this is the style he likes to see me wear!
Thanx for sharing!
~Juliet K~
Pleasure Juiet.
Glad to hear.
All the best,