DIY Ruffle Shoulder Dress

DIY Ruffle Shoulder Dress

Ruffle Shoulder Dress

I love, love, love this diy ruffle shoulder brocade dress. Made an emerald green diy ruffle shoulder dress a few weeks back and love that one just as much. So easy to wear. So easy to make. Get compliments when I wear them.

People ask me to make clothes for them when they like something I’ve made. I don’t want to sew for other people. Have enough going on with our – Pop Up Dining Experiences – and back-to-back Airbnb guests as well as community and social volunteer work. That’s the whole reason I started this blog. To show how incredibly easy it is to make your own clothes and other things.

I’m as seduced by fashion and decor and food fads as the next person. But I fear many items are made in unfortunate circumstances that leave me feeling uncomfortable. No clothing label ever says – this item made by an 8 year old child who worked 12 hour days. Just like no supermarket ever puts on their fruit and veggies exactly how many types of pesticides were used and how often. Big corporates don’t want us to know that kind of information. By making my own clothes I know exactly how they were made.

The details for the pattern and the tutorial are on – this link.

What I will say is I made the ruffle for this version longer than in the original tutorial thinking it might make a nice change. But I ended up shortening it after wearing the dress a few times. It was a bit too much

Short but sweet this week.

Have a great green week.
