Green Velvet Jacket

Green Velvet Jacket

Green Velvet Jacket

I usually make my own patterns but every now and again I use a commercial pattern. As was the case with this green velvet jacket. The nice thing about commercial patterns is I don’t have to test them. They should work. But they can get a little complicated. My patterns are always very, very easy. A square or a rectangle. My mother came to visit me and brought some patterns. What I particularly liked here is the sleeves don’t have to be set. One of my worst things to do.

My mother gave me her old velvet curtains some time back. The spirit of this blog is to up-cycle or recycle. I LOVED the colour and as a total greenie I was determined to use them. The next thing some old curtains became a green velvet jacket. Here’s how I made it.

You need fabric and a pattern

You need fabric and a pattern

Cut the pattern pieces from your fabric. I had pre-washed these curtains and hung them to dry as flat as possible as you can’t iron velvet. The pattern pieces had to be cut from the flattest parts of the ex curtain.

Cut pattern pieces

Cut pattern pieces

Once you have cut your pattern pieces, pin or tack your darts. Then sew them.

Next pin or tack your pattern pieces together.

Pin pieces together

Pin pieces together

And then sew the pieces together. This green velvet jacket is quite thick. Fortunately I didn’t have any issues with the nap or pile as can happen with furry type fabrics.

Sew pieces together

Sew pieces together

Over-lock or zig-zag the edges. Particularly with velvet. I don’t usually bother with cotton and cotton blends but satin and velvet can shed a lot of fluff.

Finish the edges

Finish the edges of your seams.

Finally sew a hem all around the lower edge of jacket and ends of sleeves. And that’s it!

Sorry I’ve been quiet the last few weeks. You can find out more about our forays barging in France on my other blog. Not a lot of wifi where we were. I had hoped to bank a few posts before I went away but life just got too fast for me.

More next week. Meanwhile have a great week.
