A Line Skirt

A Line Skirt

A Line Skirt


I usually share my own patterns on this blog but I followed a pattern with this particularĀ A line skirt. So all I’m really going to do here – is show how I made it. The A line skirt is made from a type of Ponti fabric as I wanted something that was easy care and non crease. I probably should have used a heavier weight.

You need: –

  • sewing pattern
  • paper scissors
  • pins
  • sewing scissors
  • fabric
  • matching colour thread
  • sewing machine
  • contrast colour thread
  • sewing needle
  • zipper

You do : –

The pattern

The pattern

The pattern for theĀ A line skirt is above (New Look 6193). It really shouldn’t matter which pattern or whatever make you use provided the pattern pieces are similar. I made my skirt longer than the pattern. When you cut out your paper pattern pieces, use paper scissors. Do not ever use your sewing scissors to cut paper. Bad idea.

So first you’re going to cut out your pattern pieces with paper scissors. Then pin your pattern to the fabric.

Pin pattern to fabric

Pin pattern to fabric

Now cut out your skirt pieces.

Cut out skirt pieces

Cut out skirt pieces

Pin sides and sew. Remember you are going to set a zipper in the one side so you must be able to unpick the length of the zipper. Or don’t sew all the way to the top on the one side.

Fit your skirt and check it’s not too loose or too tight. If too tight, unpick and sew smaller seam. If too loose, take in a bigger seam.

Fit skirt and adjust if necessary

Fit skirt and adjust if necessary

Now pin and sew your facing to the top of your skirt. And using a contrast or bright coloured thread hand sew your zipper in place.

Sew facing and hand sew zip

Sew facing and hand sew zip

Press all your seams open and flat.

Press seams flat

Press seams flat

Fit your skirt one last time and check where you want your hem. Pin hem in place and sew.

And that’s it!

See you next week.
