My other half and I are big fans of movie and book – The Secret. Every now and again we re-watch the movie to get ourselves back on track. It works for us.

Gratitude Rock

Gratitude Rock

So I was talking to a friend about Gratitude and Lee Brower in The Secret. Lee tells the story of a South African guy in the movie who wanted a Gratitude Rock and how it also changed him. I chatted about how we practice gratitude. And how it’s made such a difference to our lives.

She seemed keen to give it a try. So I promised to give her a Gratitude Rock. While walking on the beach with another friend and her dogs, I found a smooth flat-ish rock.

I used a plain black koki/permanent marker pen and wrote the word GRATITUDE on it. Printed something relating to how to use a Gratitude Rock. And gave it to her.

Such and easy inexpensive and life changing gift to give someone you care about.

The basic premise is that we take in too much negativity – news headlines, feel shamed by ultra thin or airbrushed models, etc and we don’t feel good about ourselves or the world. Not enough good stuff lurks in our brains.

By focusing on what we do have and what makes us happy, we can shift our perspective and alter how we feel. You can practice the act of Gratitude anytime and anywhere or make it a ritual, like brushing your teeth at a fixed time every day. We like to do our Gratitudes at bed time.

You can be grateful for things, but more often we find it’s stuff like time out to chill for a bit, a good cup of coffee that makes us happy.

Have a great green week.
