How to make a flower ring

Are you loving the floral theme going on in fashion right now? Me too. Floral shapes are EVERYWHERE this summer. From blossom prints to floral laser cutouts all the way to vibrant colours.

This shell flower ring (left) and the glass button ring  (right) are an easy way to get on board the trend – with minimal commitment. And in true Greenie style, it’s yet another super easy DIY.

You need a button and a ring base 

You need: –
A ring post
a flower button
strong adhesive
a cutter and file if button has a shank

You do: –
Firstly, if your button has a shank, you need to cut it off. And possibly even file it so you have a flat surface to work with beneath your button.

Next, make sure your ring is upright and that the button will be level. Two ways to do that. You can use Blu Tak or Prestik, whatever it’s called where you live.

Place a blob of the sticky putty on a flat surface and attach the bottom of your ring to the putty.

Or place your button upside down on a flat surface and check if it is stable. Next put ring base on top of the button to make sure it doesn’t slide fall off.

Glue ring base to button

Once you know your set up is level – check exactly where you want to attach the button and base.

Now mix your two-part adhesive. Two tips for this bit. Tip One. Mix your two part adhesive well or it will be one part adhesive and not bond properly. Tip Two. Too much glue will drip and run. Less is more. But apply to both sides.

Place button and base together and allow to dry. Then wear.

There are so many pretty flower buttons out there. Especially at specialist haberdashery shops.

Visit the Greenie Galleries at the top of the page for archives of older DIYs

See you right here next week.
