Make your own hair scrunchie

They say, whoever they are, that if you wore a trend once, you should not wear it a second time around.


That’s so unfair. What if a person really likes a certain style? And to keep wearing clothes and accessories from a certain era dates a person.

Scrunchies fall into that category. Once worn by women in various colours and fabrics they were reviled and listed as never to be worn again items. However, what goes around, comes around and scrunchies are back. I was determined to make

You need these

one to see just how bad they would look.

Not as bad as I thought actually. Just goes to show. The naysayers might not be right after all. I wouldn’t wear one on a night out or for a meeting. But for yoga or a jog? Perfect. Fun.

Scrunchies use hardly any fabric and are great for leftover scraps. I am including the pics of how I made mine. But, I should have cut the fabric a bit longer to get a bit more fabric gathering around the elastic. And, a fabric with a bit of stretch would have been better. Here goes with instructions.

You need: –
rib knit fabric
matching colour thread
knicker elastic
sewing machine

You do: –
Cut a piece of fabric at least 30 centimetres long and about 10 centimetres wide. Mine in the picture was too short.

Fold over ends and sew along length

Fold over the narrow ends of your fabric no more than about 1 centimetre and stitch along the length of your fabric. Make sure to sew back and forth at each end so the stitching doesn’t come undone. I had just under 1 centimetre seam allowance.

Turn inside out and thread elastic

Turn your scrunchie inside out.

Cut a piece of elastic about 12 centimetres long. Thread elastic through the scrunchie.

Tie the elastic at each end a good few times to make sure it doesn’t come undone.

Hand sew the two ends of your scrunchie together with small stitches.

And that’s it. One scrunchie done.

Hnad sew ends together

Next week I’m going to show how to make a cucumber costume. Why? I attended Veg Pride last weekend and had to come up with a way to look like a vegetable. It was so easy I wanted to share it.

In the meantime, you can visit the Greenie Galleries to find more things to make and craft.

See you next week.
