How to make a fabric hair band

Braided hairband

I mentioned in the last post that I would show the hairband my niece made. You can see it on her – here.

She took three pieces of ribbon and braided them. On the one end she made a loop. The other end slips through the loop so the hair band can be pulled around her head and tightened.

You could play around with colours and textures of ribbon. You could also try out other materials such as leather or rope. And you could add beads as you braid for a more girly effect.

I did a post or two a while back showing some hair bands that I made using braid and broad ribbon. Click on these links for the how to’s – how to make a ribbon hairband and how to make a braid hairband.

The Greenie Galleries at the top of the page have pictures and links back to older blog posts. And newer ones. It’s a complete mix of anything and everything in a quest to DIY and not buy. Mostly clothes and accessories but a few home decor ideas too.

More next week.
