Tie a scarf to your bag

Black velvet necktie

Everyones favorite it girl, Alexa Chung, has been named most stylish person in the UK. She certainly has bucket loads of style. Pity we can’t bottle and buy it. Her ability to put classic pieces together with that unusual twist is her trademark.

But I would go a step further and say that it is also her ability to lead a high profile life and yet live under the radar that makes her uber stylish. Do we see her flashing her body or grining with yet another “this time this is really, really the one for me” bloke?

Does she get booked for possession and then get her latest new best friend to take the rap? No, this girl does none of that. Not only does she dress well but she lives well too. Good on her!

So called stars bleat on about how the media persecute them. Well then why do they live their private lives in public? We are not fooled when they “sneak” out the front door of a celebrity restaurant all covered up and act surprised to find the press waiting. As if they don’t know the photogs are snapping away while they pose, dressed to the nines, on holiday. Know what I mean? But this is a fashion blog and not a celebrity gossip forum. Back to clothes then …

I decided to give Ms Chung’s ubiquitous ribbon neck tie another turn. I dressed my model in a plain white shirt and tied a thick black velvet ribbon at the neck. The cost of the ribbon? Not even a cup of coffee. The result = a hefty helping of Ms Chung style. The instructions for the bag in the photo are in an earlier post in this blog. It’s an easy denim tote bag. The scarf also had a preview in an older post as a sexy evening top. This time around, it is tied to the bag to give the bag a bit of life. That scarf is multi tasking.

The Greenie Galleries at the top of this page have 100s of photos of older and newer projects showing multiple ways to make your own clothing and accessories. There are also ideas to recycle or upcycle.

See you soon.
