How to make a lace trim belt

Adding lace to belt

Could old be the new, new? We’ve had phases where navy or another colour was the new black. Improved health awareness means 40 is the new 30. Can wearing old clothes be the new thing to do?

As awareness of global warming, and the contribution of our throw away lifestyles to the demise of this planet surface, could recycling become more entrenched in our lives? Is the distressed look the beginning of this? What about the increase in popularity of vintage clothing? I can only hope so.

I can’t pretend to be innovative but I am good at making things out of nothing. Re-modelling an old outfit gives me immense satisfaction. It’s a way to keep up with trends in as green a way as possible. Oh, and of course, it’s a lot more affordable.

I referred to this project in a previous post. A strip of floral lace was added to a fabric belt. You could hand-sew or machine-sew the lace to the belt. Fold the lace under at each end so the edges are not exposed. Make sure you use a matching colour thread. You could make a lace OBI belt? I showed how to make OBI belts right at the beginning of this blog.

This belt will work with the ’60’s Mad Men look. I can see it with a St Laurent le smoking ensemble too. It would work in a multitude of ways.

The Greenie Galleries at the top of this page have 100s of photos of older and newer projects showing multiple ways to make your own clothing and accessories. There are also ideas to recycle or upcycle.

See you soon.
