Cushion cover tutorial

So today’s item is not one you can wear. It’s a scatter cushion cover. I used different coloured fabrics for the back and front to use up perfectly good left-over fabric.

If it’s a standard scatter cushion, the dimensions are 45 centimetres x 45 centimetres. Draw a pattern on newspaper to these dimensions. Add your seam allowance all round. That is the front of your cushion.

You need two pattern pieces for the back of the cushion. They must not be the full 45 cm width. Just enough to allow them to overlap. The picture should help make this clearer. And again add seam allowances. Pin the pattern together to check you got the overlap right.

Now cut out your cushion. Hem the pieces that will be visible in the overlap area. Then pin your cushion together to assemble the pieces in the right place. Once you are sure, stitch all around the edges of your your cushion cover. No hems, no hand stitching, no nothing.

See a recent post showing the same style covers but with more pictures –  on this link.

Another tip. I find the cushions these days collapse and are flat and useless in no time. So I re-use old linen to stuff them and re-puff the cushions up. Wash and dry the old linen well. Shred with scissors. Slit a seam open and insert the shredded fabric. Hand stitch the cushion seam closed. You could make cushions from scratch if you have enough old linen.

The Greenie Galleries at the top of this page have 100s of photos of older and newer projects showing multiple ways to make your own clothing and accessories. There are also ideas to recycle or upcycle.

See you soon.
