DIY denim cut off short

In the picture is a pair of jeans about to become a pair of shorts. I have a few too many pairs of jeans and wanted an extra pair of long shorts. The method is simple. Cut the legs shorter.

But there is one caveat. Make sure you line up the jeans or you could have lopsided legs. I first put the jeans on to get an idea how much I want to remove.

Then I pin the jeans together as per the picture to get them lined up. Then I cut a little too cautiously. I re-fit the jeans to make sure I have cut straight and evenly before I cut the final amount.

You may notice the pockets of the jeans are missing. I always stitch front pockets flat and cut the extra fabric away. I absolutely hate big bunches of fabric around my hips and I carry a handbag anyway. Why would I need pockets? And why would I want to add centimetres of fabric to my hips? I always remove all front pockets on my trousers or skirts.

The Greenie Galleries at the top of this page have 100s of photos of older and newer projects showing multiple ways to make your own clothing and accessories. There are also ideas to recycle or upcycle.

See you soon.
