Make jewelry from semi precious stones

I love, love semi-precious stones and crystals. I am particularly enamoured by their magical, mystical qualities. Most jewellers have limited stock of items in these stones as the value is not high enough for them to make good profits.

Our local bead supply merchant stocks plenty stones and I wander around looking at the various types on display. We also have a crystal shop that I visit and re-model pieces I buy there

There are 6 pairs of earrings in the picture. They are all so simple to make. To make them I bought the hooks, a length of chain, firm wire and soft wire. You will also need a pair of small hand pliers.

For the tear-drop earrings I added a longer chain to earrings that I bought.

For the mini chandelier style earrings I tied small chips of stone along a length of chain and added the hooks. Make sure you bend the wire back so it doesn’t catch and scratch.

I will post instructions for the bold chandelier style earrings tomorrow.

The Greenie Galleries at the top of this page have 100s of photos of older and newer projects showing multiple ways to make your own clothing and accessories. There are also ideas to recycle or upcycle.

See you soon.
