Semi precious stones in jewelry

Following on from yesterday’s earrings. This is the bold chandelier earring made in semi-precious stones.

The earring consists of three parts. The hook – the top part – and the strings of stones.

The hook part is easy. You buy hooks.

There is no way I can easily explain how to shape top part so you have to look at the picture to see that. Basically it’s a piece of firm wire with a loop in the middle and an eye at each end. The stones are threaded onto posts which also have eyes at each end and hooked together at the eyes.

Once you have your three components all you do is assemble them together. Two tips. Tip One – the wire for the top piece must be firm or it will collapse. Tip Two – if the stones are too heavy the earrings will be unwearable. Use smaller stones or less of them to keep the weight light.

The Greenie Galleries at the top of this page have 100s of photos of older and newer projects showing multiple ways to make your own clothing and accessories. There are also ideas to recycle or upcycle.

See you soon.
