Ribbon headband tutorial

Headbands have got to be the easiest item ever to make. The selection of ribbon and trims in most craft shops and haberdasheries is so exciting. Shop bought headbands are either too big, too small or not the right colour.

You need to work out approximately how long the piece of ribbon needs to be. Take the measurement around your head where the headband will fit. A half meter should be long enough.

You will also need a piece of knicker (panty) or waistband elastic wide enough to attach to the ribbon. I bought a 5cm width elastic which came pre-packed on a card. It always comes in handy.

Take the original measurement from around your head. Fold the ends of the ribbon back and pin them. Measure the headband against the original head measurement. Cut a piece of elastic to fit the difference allowing a bit extra to stitch the ribbon to the elastic. Pin and double check the size before stitching. If you are happy then stitch the elastic to each end of the ribbon. This is the underside of the headband. Now you have your own custom colour, custom width headband. View two more headbands – here.

The Greenie Galleries at the top of this page have 100s of photos of older and newer projects showing multiple ways to make your own clothing and accessories. There are also ideas to recycle or upcycle.

See you soon.
