Making a Tote bag
Following on from yesterday – how to make a tote bag part 1– here are more instructions for the tote bag.
Next up stitch the edges of the bag and the edges of the facing. That is the side seams and the lower seam of the bag.
Now assemble the bag and begin to pin it in place. Sandwich the straps between the facing and the bag at the top end. Make sure the straps are symmetrical and evenly spaced. Pin well and turn the bag inside out to check you have the pieces the right way round. Stitch the facing to the bag at the top end.
Just a tip, I stitch backward and forward over the straps a few times to make sure they will be secure.
Now turn the facing inside and you can top stitch it flat to the bag. As you can see in the picture I used leftover pieces to make pockets on the outside of my tote bag.
They are ideal for my glasses, water bottle, keys, gym card, passport, whatever. The great thing is these bags can be popped into a gentle wash to keep them fresh.
I have made more tote bags – here – and – here.
The Greenie Galleries at the top of this page have 100s of photos of older and newer projects showing multiple ways to make your own clothing and accessories. There are also ideas to recycle or upcycle.
See you soon.