How to make this necklace from curtain rings

Curtain ring choker necklace

We needed a single curtain ring a while back but could only buy them by the bag. And since I am always saving things for my DIY stash I’ve been wondering what to do with them. I was inspired by – this – DIY. But I had to make do with only the 5 rings we were left with. I also wanted the necklace to be shorter. It’s a really easy necklace to make. Here’s how.

You need: –
curtain rings
thick embroidery cord
silver chain 
neck clasp

You do: –

Attaching the chain to the rings

Arrange the curtain rings. You can use as many as you want but bear in mind they will be heavier. Tie the rings together. Tie your chain to the assembled curtain rings. Attach and hook and clasp.
And that’s it.

The Greenie gallery has lots of ideas for easy recycling and DIY projects. Find it at the top of this page. And if you have any great DIYs you want to share, go to the Greenie Dresses for Less facebook page. 

Till next week.
